Blog 10: project report

Creating a full website may seem simple with the ample time a full semester provides you, but truthfully, time flies. For my website on child abuse, my research has okay. I have found a few sites that provide me with good information but I have not been able to get enough information from one source for a whole section. I have found multiple sources for my statistics page that provide me with all different data sets which is very helpful, however, finding coherent information on the history of child abuse is a little harder. I have used various sources and am still fine tuning them to be able to grab the exact points I want my website to show and inform about. So far I have not reached any dead ends, just time-consuming obstacles. I have additionally not had time to find a book source yet and plan to do so within the upcoming week. 

Clipart of a to-do list. This image is relevant to my scheduling and organizing time paragraph

When it came to organizing my time, I was very goal-oriented at the beginning and had set dates. This soon became a slight issue for me. Since being home from school during this pandemic, I have lost my motivation to be honest. I am used to having set study and work spaces, or even a desk, but now I have my bedroom as my family is working in the other rooms of my house. I am working on the project almost everyday, but I do get distracted from everything else going on in my house. I have revised my website schedule to give myself more time on the 2000 word deadlines, and less on making the website look pretty, as I find myself making it look good when I am supposed to be writing. 

I have only worked on my Tableau tool so far on my project. I used the tool to compare the number of reported cases of child abuse in New Jersey to the number of reported cases in the
United States. After playing with Tableau and Google Sheets for a while, I was able to create a pie chart showing the two values. Although I was hoping for more of a statistical chart, I do think the pie chart works. I copied the embed code from the Tableau website into my project but the graphic does not come up properly. I can see the image but it shows a triangle, almost like a “play” button and does not allow me to scroll over the image to see the statistics and number values. Additionally, I have not put too much effort into finding images for my website yet, but I do think a sad image on my homepage would grasp the reader’s attention and make a point that this is a serious social issue. 

Despite minor obstacles and time rescheduling, I think my website is going somewhat smoothly. I have copied some of my writing into the actual WordPress website, but I am still writing more on my google document, which has helped me keep track of my sections and word count.

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