We are delighted to announce the launch of DHSI Atlantic, a summer school designed to introduce and demystify key concepts from the digital humanities for students and scholars at any stage of their careers. In-keeping with the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria, courses are taught by internationally-recognized scholars and practitioners with extensive experience in the application and instruction of DH tools and methods.
DHSI Atlantic will be hosted at University College Cork, Ireland, from June 15-19th, 2020. Participants are welcome to enroll in one of three introductory but intensive courses which take place over five days. This year’s course offerings are as follows:
Stylometry with R: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Literary Texts (Dr Jan Rybicki)
Topic Modelling in Digital Humanities (Dr Derek Greene)
Introduction to GIS in the Humanities (Dr Patricia Murrieta-Flores)
The cost of registration is 300 euro per workshop. Please note that all workshops will be taught in English, but the methods can be applied across multilingual contexts.
For more information, see:http://dhsiatlantic.ucc.ie