Mapping the American History Textbook Project/Understanding the Story of American History

Name: Christina Connor

Field: Library and History

Courses/Semesters Taught: Introduction to United States History I and II Historiography, Social Context of Education, and Discovering Digital Humanities

Digital Tools: Mapping technologies, Voyant, data visualization software. I am still exploring what would work best as I do not have a classroom in the traditional sense and student would need to access information and materials without accounts unless I work with a professor/teacher to incorporate the assignments/lessons in their classes

My interest in DH/thick mapping happened at a week long summer workshop in the Faculty Resource Network at New York University where I learned about CartoDB. At the workshop, I developed a framework for a mapping project using AHTP, but found using Carto to be difficult since users needed an account in order to view maps, and I needed something accessible to any web users. While I started to explore alternative mapping software, in Spring 2019 I began working with a student intern to build a repository of  AHTP materials with identifying information (personal or geographical).

In Summer 2019, I was contacted by a former Ramapo student and AHTP intern who now works in the NJ school system about collaborating together to create learning materials focused on historiography and critical thinking and that use the ATHP Collection for class discussions.

With the increase of faculty requests to use the collection in their courses, the inclusion of a historiographic component in all general education history courses, and interest expressed by outside educators to use the collection in their curriculum, it seems like an opportune time to begin developing online resources for students and researchers.

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