DH, Small and Radical
A guaranteed session sponsored by the Digital Humanities Caucus, American Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 12-15, 2020, Baltimore, Maryland
The Digital Humanities Caucus of the American Studies Association invites proposals for papers that consider the topic “Small DH” under the ASA 2020 conference theme, “Creativity Within Revolt.”
Small DH can include individual scholars working on DH projects, DH programs at small and/or underfunded institutions, DH programs at Small Liberal Arts Colleges (SLACs) that have received significant grant funding for DH, and/or DH initiatives or projects that are not affiliated with an institution.
With large institutions producing big DH projects (big data, big project teams, big grants), is doing DH at small institutions a form of revolt? Can Small DH be radical, or offer the promise or potential of radical, long-lasting change?
Additionally, DH has been viewed as a potential avenue of revolt within the academy, and alternately as a symptom of the neoliberalization of the academy (and therefore “revolting” to many). How does Small DH inform this debate, or change our understanding of DH’s potential to inspire revolt?
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Expectations of starting DH programs at small schools, with limited or no funding
- Grant-funded DH programs at SLACs
- Labor issues and Small DH
- Outsized expectations and Small DH
- Minimal computing
- Well-funded DH projects with small research teams
- Choosing to do DH outside of the academy
- Ways professional organizations can/should support Small DH
Please send a 300-word proposal and a brief bio to ASAdhCaucus@gmail.com by Wednesday, January 29 at 10:00 pm ET. Decision notifications will be sent the following day.