Social Issues (3)

The risk of emotional, mental, or physical harm to a child by a parent or caregiver, known as child abuse, is a global, social issue and is an unfortunately relevant problem in the United States. Child abuse has immediate effects on the individual, as well as long-term effects. The most common effects of child abuse occur within the individual’s mental and emotional health. The effects that an individual who has experienced child abuse can vary based on variables such as the age that the trauma occurred, the extensiveness of the trauma, and the way the individual copes with stress. Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and difficulty concentrating and connecting with others are all possible and frequent effects of child abuse. While occasionally perpetrators are careful not to leave physical marks on a case of child abuse, often victims of child abuse have bruises, swelling, sprains, burns, pain, difficulty walking or sitting, and some experience sexually transmitted infections or diseases. The immediate and long-term effects of child abuse have serious impact on the victim. While child abuse does have a direct effect on the individual, the results of child abuse can also affect the community. The family or friends of the victim often experience a loss of connection and feel pushed away from the victim.

Statistics of victims age of child abuse 2007.

Victims of child abuse are amongst various ages but research from the American Society for the Positive Care of Children shows that there is a higher concentration of child abuse in children under the age of one and then decreases slightly from the age of one to the age of seventeen. Child abuse has been recorded for most, if not all of history. Dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries, children were viewed as property of their fathers, which can be argued as classifying as child abuse. Many organizations, such as the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children works to help children and families affected by this social issue. Child abuse has been a big issue, and remains a big issue that needs to have more attention brought to it.


Gun control, police actions and brutality, and aggression are common topics linked to crime and violence, especially in the United States. Research from “Violent Crime: The US and Abroad” shows that the US has more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world. While gun ownerships is not the lone contributor to crime and violence, citizens of the United States feel as though gun possession needs to be more controlled. While some research has shown that US violence and crime rates are decreasing, violence is still a concern as the National Violent Death Reporting System has done research that states that more than seven people die a violent death per hour. Violence can change a community’s way of living and value but it is interesting that under President Donald Trump’s rule, it has been reported that crime rates have decreased. Larceny and theft, burglary, motor vehicle theft, aggravated assault, and robbery are the top five type of crime in the United States. Larceny and theft are the most common and more than 7 million cases of it are reported each year, making up sixty percent of all reported crimes. When comparing crime rate in the US to crime rates in other countries, articles have shown disputing results as some say the US is the most violent, and other say we are average. The US Department of Justice’s article displays crime rates across the years and answers many questions about crime and violence in the US. Crime and violence will always be seen as an issue and what will stop it?


This educational poster compares education levels across the world.

Poverty, financial deficit of developing countries, and the lack of materials and necessities are all common reasons that education has become a global issue. According to the article, “Right to Education: Situation around the world”, more than 72 million children are unschooled around the world. It is also shown that more girls and women are unschooled than boys and men. Cultural and traditional custom hinder women from obtaining equal or any education. The lack of funding, specifically in undeveloped countries, is a main reason that the world struggles in the topic of education. Without proper funding, schools cannot access materials such as desks or textbooks, they cannot afford teachers who are properly schooled or trained, and they become stuck in an environment unsuitable to educate in. Countries may also experience foreign conflicts or war that hinders the ability to make it to a school safely. Distance itself is an issue in education as some countries have a rare amount of schools that may just be too far away for some potential students or they are in an unsafe neighborhood or environment. In many of these underdeveloped or smaller nations and countries, hunger and poor nutrition also contribute to the lack of education. Without the proper diet, an individual’s brain does not fully develop which can lead to poor grades, and the lack of ability to achieve the full learning potential. Education all around is expensive and various countries cannot provide a good quality of education because of it.

In other areas of the world, different circumstances can explain the topic of education. While in the US almost all students receive an education, the continuing of schooling into college has become an almost necessary element to a good future and job. College is too expensive for most and this either ends with students not attending college at all, attending a two-year facility, or tons of money in loans and debt. Education is very different in all parts of the world but each country shares a common social issue and that is the topic of education.


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One thought on “Social Issues (3)

  1. All three of your topic ideas are so interesting and complex; I definitely think that your child abuse topic has a lot of complexity as well as areas that you can explore while still discussing its short and long-term effects. There are so many different types of child abuse, as you point out, that you are able to tie in different matters into the broad topic, such as mental health. I also really like how you point out the role that time has played in the matter. Nowadays, this issue is more recognized and taken more seriously than it has been in the past.

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