
Lynn Rosenthal

Rosenthal has been an advocate for domestic and family violence for many years. From the years 2009-2015, Lynn was the White House advisor on Violence Against Women. During this time period she also co-chaired the White House Task Force to Prevent Students from Sexual Assault, and led numerous prevention conferences. Not only was she involved at the White House, she spent some time serving as vice president for Strategic Partnerships at the National Domestic Violence Hotline. In Florida and New Mexico, she held leadership positions at state domestic violence coalitions. In 2019, Rosenthal was appointed as president of The Center for Family Safety and Healing at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.


National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

This organization was formed forty-one years ago, and its purpose is, “to change society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence, affecting public policy, increase understanding of the impact of domestic violence, and provide programs and education that drive that change” (Wikipedia). As of right now, this coalition works together with members of United States Congress to improve legislation that correlates with the topic of domestic abuse. Those who are perpetrators of domestic violence and fight for the right to keep their children in court are analyzed by the coalition and the NCADV fights for the children in those cases. The NCADV hosts advocacy webinars where you can learn how to become a representative for the fight of this plague. They have had many programs in the past and present, such as Remember My Name, which is a list of victims who have lost their lives to domestic violence.