
Welcome to my site on the social issue of child abuse.

My name is Megan Furbush and I am a current first-year student at Ramapo College of New Jersey. This website was created for my Honors Social Science Inquiry class as our semester project.

We were assigned to pick a social issue to further research in detail. We then applied resources and tools that we learned to use during our class time and implement them into our website.

I chose the topic of child abuse because while it is a very important issue, it has become hidden over time and I feel that it deserves to have more attention brought to it. Additionally, this topic is important to me as a future teacher and future mother. I currently work at a preschool and have witnessed families who have had to have check-ins and meetings with social workers. As a teacher, child care and child advocacy are going to be very important for my profession.

My view:

Flattening the curve of child abuse cases needs the be implemented in our future. Children should not have to experience the cruelty of the individuals who control their life. Most victims of child abuse are not old enough to even walk or talk and have no idea why they are being hurt so badly. Society needs to help and make a change.