Author: Rebecca Gathercole

Rebecca Gathercole is a senior Communications Arts major with a minor in Creative Writing.
  • Historiography of the 1920s

    Henry May’s 1956 journal article titled “Shifting Perspectives on the 1920s” and Jennifer Fronc’s 2018 journal article titled “The 1920s–A Historiographical Survey” were published approximately 60 years apart. They both…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921

    The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921

    Overview The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 was an act that on its surface further structured the increasing number of plans for a national highway system within the U.S.…

  • Blog Post Using Themes from The Modern Temper Chapters 4-6: Federal Highway Act of 1921

    The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 was an act that on its surface gave more structure to the increasing number of plans for a highway system across the U.S.…

  • Blog Post Using Themes from The Modern Temper Chapters 1-3: Sheppard-Towner Act

    The Sheppard-Towner Act, also known as the National Maternity and Infancy Protection Act, was a Progressive Era reform that attempted to lessen infant and maternal mortality rates. Signed into law…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The Sheppard-Towner Act

    The Sheppard-Towner Act

    Overview The National Maternity and Infancy Protection Act, more commonly known as the Sheppard-Towner Act, could be viewed, out of context, as ahead of its time. While it came on…

  • What the 1920s Mean to Me

    The 1920s is overwhelmingly glamorous in my mind. What I first think of are flappers, jazz music, speakeasies, and lots of illegal drinking. Of course, that is why the decade…
