Author: alrosenbergg

  • Historiography of the 1920s

    By looking at two different scholarly articles on the 1920s one can get an idea of the historiography of the 1920s has developed. The two articles that will be analyzed…

  • The Fire of Smyrna

    The 1921 Tulsa Massacre and the burning of Black Wall Street have garnered significant attention in recent times. However, Tulsa was not an isolated incident in the 1920s. Across the…

  • Themes of the 1920s and The 1926 UK General Strike

    Embed from Getty Images Crowds of presumably strikers marching from Scotland to London during the 1926 General Strike. (Getty Images) Religion: Modernism vs Conservativism The 1920s was a decade where…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The 1926 UK General Strike and the 1920s Battle for Labor

    The 1926 UK General Strike and the 1920s Battle for Labor

    On May 3, 1926, the UK Trade Union declared a General Strike in sympathy of striking coal miners. The Coal Miners decided to strike because their bosses, the Coal Barons,…

  • 1926 UK General Strike

    Overview: Nobody knew it at the time but, nine days in 1926 would change the course of UK Labor History forever. These nine days in 1926 were anything but normal…

  • What Does the 1920s Mean to Me.

    The 20s is a time that represented freedom but at the same time repression and oppression. It was a time when rich people partied their hardest like seen in Gatsby,…
