
  • The Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

    The trial of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti remains one of the most controversial and haunting episodes in American legal history. Set against the turbulent backdrop of the roaring 1920s,…

  • The Tragic Event of The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre:

    The National Prohibition Act was passed as a law to remove the production of the distribution of alcohol. The Prohibition Act was passed on January 19, 1919, and even though…

  • Great Miami Hurricane

    Florida’s sandy shores and sunny skies, aptly nicknamed the “Sunshine State” in the Southeastern United States, has attracted dreamers, vacationers, and fortune seekers for generations. With over 1,300 miles of…

  • Historiography of the 1920s

    Yuto Nakajima Introduction Despite the fact that history remains permanent and unchanging as time passes, the nature of history fluctuates with historians revisiting the past with new ideas and philosophies.…

  • Historiography of the 1920’s

    The two historiographical articles that will be discussed are  “Nationalism, Immigration Control, and the Ethno-racial Remapping of America in the 1920s”  by Mae M. Ngai, published in 2007, and “Shifting…

  • Themes of the 1920s and The 1926 UK General Strike

    Embed from Getty Images Crowds of presumably strikers marching from Scotland to London during the 1926 General Strike. (Getty Images) Religion: Modernism vs Conservativism The 1920s was a decade where…

  • Contextualizing the Teapot Dome Scandal

    Emerging in the early 1920s, the Teapot Dome scandal stands as one of the most infamous examples of government corruption within American history. The premise of this scandal lies behind…

  • Blog Post Using Themes from The Modern Temper Chapters 4-6:

    The focus of this blog post will be on the comparison of my final research topic. The topic that I chose was “Hitler’s Rise to Power from 1920 to 1933.”…

  • Chapters 4-6 of the Modern Temper compared to the Great Miami Hurricane

    After reading chapters four through six as well as the epilogue of  The Modern Temper by Lynn Duminel and gaining more knowledge after reading the first half of the book,…

  • Blog Post Using Themes from The Modern Temper Chapters 1-3: Albert Fish Kills Grace Budd

    Photo of Albert Fish in the year 1903. The 1920s were cultivated as the era where new entertainment and experiences shaped and formed the upcoming generations. However, how we capture…
