
Blog posts about events or people associated with labor unions, laboring people, strikes, and working conditions.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The 1926 UK General Strike and the 1920s Battle for Labor

    The 1926 UK General Strike and the 1920s Battle for Labor

    On May 3, 1926, the UK Trade Union declared a General Strike in sympathy of striking coal miners. The Coal Miners decided to strike because their bosses, the Coal Barons,…

  • Feed the World and Save the League, November 24, 1920

    Introduction Jane Addams (1860-1935) was a well-known social reformer, suffragist and the founder of the Hull-House settlement. During World War I, Addams became one of the United States’ best-known pacifists.…

  • The ups and downs of the 1920’s

    Matthew Blair Whenever people talk about the 1920’s I immediately think about jazz. Jazz had enormous influence on dances, fashion, the youth culture and race relations. Growing up my grandparents…
