Author: Rachel Olivo

Rachel is a junior at Ramapo College of New Jersey taking Discovering Digital History in the Spring of 2021. She is studying History and Education and is looking forward to becoming a teacher after graduating.
  • A New Perspective on the 1920s

    Now that the semester is coming to an end and I have thoroughly explored and researched the “Roaring Twenties”, I can say with confidence that my perspective on the decade…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Record of Witness Testimony from the Scopes “Monkey” Trial, 1925.

    Record of Witness Testimony from the Scopes “Monkey” Trial, 1925.

    Introduction Towards the very beginning of 1925, the Tennessee state legislature approved a bill that banned the teaching of any theory that went against the story of Divine Creation, as…

  • Book Review: White Collar: The American Middle Class by C. Wright Mills

    Charles Wright Mills Born in the later half of the 1910s, Charles Wright Mills was an esteemed American sociologist who was heavily influenced by the theories and ideals of German…

  • Web Review: Digital Historyu

    The website, Digital History, is an American-focused digital history resource designed for both students and teachers. On the “front page” of the website, one can see that there is many…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Ford Signs Deal with the Soviet Union

    Ford Signs Deal with the Soviet Union

    Overview By the start of the new decade, much of Russia had been destroyed and devastated by the Russian Revolution. Therefore, when the party that had supposedly fought for the…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Philo Farnsworth: Father of the Television

    Philo Farnsworth: Father of the Television

    Overview In the twenty-first century, people often take their phones, laptops, and other forms of technology for granted. Yet, not too long ago, all people had for technology was the…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The Scopes “Monkey” Trial

    The Scopes “Monkey” Trial

    Overview The “Roaring Twenties” was one of the most dramatic decades that the United States has ever seen. Every year had its fair share of important movements, events, and people,…

  • What Does the 1920s Mean to You?

    When people think of the 1920s, they usually first think about the defining features and characteristics of the decade that have earned it the name, the “Roaring Twenties”. Speakeasies, flappers,…
