Author: jbennis

Joe is a Sophomore at Ramapo and a Global Communications major enrolled inĀ Discovering Digital History.
  • Walther Rathenau

    Walther Rathenau was a German statesman, industrialist, and writer who lived from 1867 to 1922. He played a pivotal role in shaping Germany’s post-World War I politics and economy, and…

  • Book Review: In the Shadow of the Split

    In the excerpt, Foster examines how the Irish Civil War of 1922-23 has been written about by various historians and scholars over time. Foster contends that the dominant narratives of…

  • What the 1920s Mean To Me Now

    Now when I think of the 1920s I think of various political shifts and power dynamics that were centuries old change. Following the end of World War One, kingdoms fell…

  • Tulsa Race Massacre

    Overview The Tulsa Race Massacre or Tulsa Race Riot is a tragic event in American history that occurred on May 31, 1921, to June 1, 1921. The exact cause of…

  • Web Review: Tulsa

    The website is a website that offers a rich varied amount of history about the city of Tulsa Oklahoma. The website provides a concise list of sources for their…

  • The Battle of The Four Courts

    The Battle of Four Courts, also known as the Four Courts Incident, was a pivotal event in Irish history that occurred during the Irish Civil War. The conflict began in…

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: What Does the 20s Mean To Me

    What Does the 20s Mean To Me

    When I think of the 1920s, I think of the world trying to get back on track, after being derailed by war and disease. World War I ended two years…
