Author: KC

Ramapo College senior majoring in history. My concentration is in the 1920s machine politics in major cities. In particular the unsustainability of the machine politic model.
  • What the 1920s means to me now

    After completing this class I now have a more well rounded idea of the 1920s that is not primarily focused on glamorous lifestyles. This course forced me to think outside…

  • Outlaw War by Constitutional Amendment

    Introduction From 1914-1918 the world faced its first armed global conflict known as the great war, world war one. The war caused millions of people to die and left more…

  • Web Review:

    The website is a database that provides entertainment/”history” on various topics. The information on the site is not unreliable but it should also be avoided for serious papers. The…

  • Book Review: Democracy Delayed

    Charles W. Eagles’ novel “Democracy Delayed” shows a distinct urban-rural tension within the United States by examining how states are represented and in particular the 1920s centennial election. Eagles starts…

  • The Founding of Delta Air

    Introduction Delta Airlines is one of the world’s largest airlines, with a rich history spanning over 90 years. Founded in 1924, Delta has grown from a crop-dusting operation to a…

  • Albert Henry Wiggin

    Introduction The end of the 1920’s is infamously marked by The Wall Street Crash of 1929. The crash occurred for a number of reasons including but not limited to unregulated…

  • Kronsdadt Rebellion March 1-18, 1921

    The Kronstadt rebellion was an armed conflict between the bolsheviks and sailors and ukrainian farmers on the island of Kronstadt. The conflict began as a series of peaceful protests opposing…

  • What Does the 1920s Mean to me? 

    Prohibition was a staple of the 1920s that affected all aspects of life. The prohibition of alcohol led to the creation of mafia controlled speakeasies. Since speakeasies took place of…
