Blog Post Using Themes from The Modern Temper Chapters 1-3: Albert Fish Kills Grace Budd

Photo of Albert Fish in the year 1903.

The 1920s were cultivated as the era where new entertainment and experiences shaped and formed the upcoming generations. However, how we capture the 1920s involved more than the jazz uprising or the increase in popularity in clubs’ entertainment businesses. Through the unrealistic ideas of the 1920s, these ideas avoid highlighting the issues that shaped where we stand on the views of challenges women faced as well as how society’s views on women have changed. Albert Fish, the notorious serial killer in the late 1920s, was continuing his actions to kill Grace Budd (Wikipedia 2024,10). Through careful planning and timing, Albert Fish took all the extents he needed to act on his impulsive, inhumane acts towards Grace Budd. As a result, on June 3, 1928, Albert unfortunately succeeded in the murder of Grace Budd, escaped the police, and removed any suspicion leading to his findings (Wikipedia 2024, 25). When it came to this tragic, inhumane event, such as the murder of Grace Budd, it highlighted the troubles women have faced in a time where societal norms are breaking apart for the power and rights that women now have.

These ideas, arise during this era and as we look into “The Modern Temper’, in the section called “The New Women” by Lynn Dumenil, we can see Lynn has shed light on the idea of the “new women” and how it has brought both efficient and inefficient ideas to societal views on women. During the era of “The New Women,” as stated in The Modern Temper by Lynn Dumenil, “A significant number of twentieth-century suffragists argued that women’s superior morality would place them above the corruption of politics and they would bring their moral influence into the political scene and effect wide-ranging reforms.” (Lynn 99). In the section “The New Women,” we can see the political and societal renovations in views have expanded and brought much power for women to advocate for their rights. However, the power women obtained has also caused issues in the way of how society, specifically men have acted. With this power came to form women as a target, making them more vulnerable than what they were. This connects to the murder case of Albert Fish because it shows that certain people disagreed with the societal and political change of women. When we catch a glimpse of Albert Fish’s history and their involvement in previous murder cases, we can see that Albert Fish has a preference towards men. Even though this was the issue, when presented to Grace Budd, his motives shift toward her. The 1920s brought political change, and yet, through change, many will not entirely agree with these societal norms and will, unfortunately, act upon them. Although the expansion of political and societal views on women was widespread during the 1920s, it caused many women to be targeted and act aggressively toward them. Unfortunately, the killing of Grace Budd and the criminal Albert Fish is an example that highlights the truth of these issues. It had set the setting for many women who fought for their rights.  


“Albert Fish.” Wikipedia, February 23, 2024.

(Modern Temper by Lynn Dumenil)


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