Web Review: Tulsa History.org

The website TulsaHistory.org is a website that offers a rich varied amount of history about the city of Tulsa Oklahoma. The website provides a concise list of sources for their research on various topics and events that happened throughout the city. The pages dedicated to covering the “Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921” are easy to navigate and provide a bite-sized amount of information, with the sources to delve deeper into research. There are audio sources from witnesses, images, and documents from the era. The subject matters are broken up into drop-down tiles, that the reader can expand and close, providing a cleaner more compact web page. The page also covers how the current Government is looking into the horrifying event a century later, trying to fully uncover the events that transpired those short. bloody days.

I believe that the website is trustworthy and able to be utilized as a resource. It not only as a resource but also acts as a mini database for the subject matter providing easy access to documents that may be hard to come by through various searches on trusted databases. There is a page with all the website curators and ways to contact them, I view this as a positive so you can research who these individuals are.

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