Web Review: History.com

The website history.com is a database that provides entertainment/”history” on various topics. The information on the site is not unreliable but it should also be avoided for serious papers. The site should be used more for basic knowledge and entertainment rather than reliable information. One of the blog posts published by Erin Blakemore, who only has a BA in history, entitled “Frank Sinatra’s Mob Ties and Other Secrets From His FBI File” reads more like a buzz feed article than a historical blog post. The article makes claims that Sinatra avoided the draft by having the mafia pay off a doctor to write a false medical note and in return Sinatra introduced the mafia to the Kennedy campaign. The article uses phrases such as “allegedly” and “supposedly” voiding all credibility to the claims. The site makes use of a primary source photo of Sinatra signing documents unrelated to any claims made in the post.  The information on the site is unreliable. Another blog post on the saint valentine’s murder which provides the basic facts mixed with unreliable conjecture affirms the site’s unreliability. While the site provides basic information with wild conjecture the site was easy to navigate and provided a number of blog posts per topic searched. 

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