What the 1920’s now means to me


Few months ago I was asked the question “what does the 1920’s mean to me?” I did not know how to reply, because the 1920’s has been a after thought to me and many other people around my age. I once figured the 1920’s was all racism, drunks, and loud jazz music that I was forced to listen to by both my grand parents and parents. Jazz and fashion have a great affect on society and culture. Iconic artists and performers, and particular events during these decades influenced many rebellious outbreaks going against societal norms.

<a href="<!– wp:paragraph –> <p>Thought out this semester i was introduce to another side of the 1920's through many papers and also having the chance to read and hear about my class mates views and research on the 1920's. Now if someone was to ask that same exact question "what does the 1920's mean to me?" I would answer. The 1920's means a lot not only to me but America on a whole. The crashing of the stock market, brutal mobsters, women rights, and different innovations that made this country cooperate the way that it is to this day. Another name for the 1920's is the Roaring Twenties but Was the 1920’s really roaring? What really happened in order for this period to obtain this name? Well, the 1920’s gets the name Roaring Twenties due to the major change in political and social living. This period of time changed the way humans lived and viewed everyday life. <a href="http://Chicago daily Tribune">http://Chicago daily Tribunehttp://Chicago daily Tribune</a></p>

Through out this semester i was introduce to another side of the 1920’s through many papers and also having the chance to read and hear about my class mates views and research on the 1920’s. Now if someone was to ask that same exact question “what does the 1920’s mean to me?” I would answer. The 1920’s means a lot not only to me but America on a whole. The crashing of the stock market, brutal mobsters, women rights, and different innovations that made this country cooperate the way that it is to this day. Another name for the 1920’s is the Roaring Twenties but Was the 1920’s really roaring? What really happened in order for this period to obtain this name? Well, the 1920’s gets the name Roaring Twenties due to the major change in political and social living. This period of time changed the way humans lived and viewed everyday life.

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