Web Review: PBS’s The Crash of 1929

The first thing I notice as soon as I log on this site are the colors. The colors are very vibrant however the photos are very old school mostly in black and white. This website is very easy to navigate moving from one topic to the other or in my case looking for more information on the same topic. You can navigate around to articles and videos on the information you want. Furthermore, the site gives you an abundance of social media navigated by them. This website also has a credit section where you can find the producer, writer, editor, narrator, director of photography etc… This website also has a schedule that shows you times that the American Experience that is a local tv channel that shows you videos of historical events. You can also shop on the PBS website; they have historic videos and books, you can also make donations to the website. 

After telling you a little about the website I would like to talk more about the article I searched and the information gathered from the website. As we all know, not all websites are trustworthy or give information you can comprehend easily. So today we will be looking at factors that make this article comparable like; organization, clear purpose does the article have any videos or pictures that can open.

The beginning of the article has a thirty seconds short trailer about the crash of the stock market in 1929. It was said that before the crash people were making so much money off the market and that day just seconds after the crash the entire world started to panic. After the video that gave a little insight of what the article will present. The article started off by giving a timeline of  when it was aired the airing date was October 22nd 2010. The first three paragraphs taught me a great leath about how the stock market was formulated and how it was made public to the less fortunate people. The background information gave me a great knowledge of what the stock market was and how it made the rich richer and also how they manipulated the market at times. 

The other four paragraphs went on to tell us about how those people lost all their money in a matter of seconds one of those people was Micheal Meehan. Micheal was making millions from the stock market before it crashed, also he was the person that manipulated the stock market that made RCA go from $2.50 a share which skyrocketed to $500 dollars a share. So far all information that I have read from this article has proven to be truthful and it has been an easy read. The information is not clustered or is over informed in all this article has been a good read and with just one paragraph left this article has proven to be useful due to information I have learned. 

The final two paragraphs went on to talk about the return of the stock market and that the stock market is a very safe place to invest your money once again. Furthermore within the last paragraph the author recommends that you watch a film that is provided by the website of people that had lost all their money during the stock market crash. This was a great way for them to transition from them giving us knowledgeable information, to trying to sell a DVD. Which also gives us a little insight into people’s lives and other information about what happened in the crash of 1929. 

Furthermore, at the end of the article the website gives you a features which gives you other things that took place in the 1920’s and also other things that had to do with the crash of the stock market. Just below that the website tries to sell books that they think you might like. And a little below that they have a stay in touch section where you can put your information in so they can stay in touch with you by sending you emails about different posts and different books they might have in stock that you’ll like. At the end of the article they have different sponserces and different support groups along with their contact information. All together i think this website was amazing and i will definitely recommend it to anyone and surely return for personal use

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