The ups and downs of the 1920’s

Matthew Blair

Whenever people talk about the 1920’s I immediately think about jazz. Jazz had enormous influence on dances, fashion, the youth culture and race relations. Growing up my grandparents and parents would always fill our home with infamous Jazz artists like Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Ray Charles. These beautiful melodies captured my ears at a young age.

Remembering Ray Charles’ Northeast Florida Roots – The Coastal

June 18, 2020  – by  Sunny Morton

Richard Cavendish | Published in History Today Volume 49 Issue 8 August 1999

The Great Depression Imperial America

by Firoz Gill

People had a certain swag in the 1920’s, big trancanch coats clothing was probably one of the biggest culture changes in the 20’s. Also women were able to vote, wear whatever they wanted in public and also could smoke in public. The underground liquor business was making moonshiners a fortune. Also in the 1920’s moonshiners looked to Henry Ford’s company for faster and more efficient cars to get away from the cops. Henry Ford model T was introduced to the world in 1908 and everyone wanted to buy his car for a much simpler way of life. Due to people’s lack of self control they partied and drank themselves to bed. This went on for a couple of years leading up to the Great Depression of the 1920’s. A lot of people lost their jobs or lost everything in the stock market throughout that hard and deverlent time period. 

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