What do the 1920’s mean to me?

Written by Yuto Nakajima

At the time during which this blog post is being typed up, it is January 2024. Over a century has passed since the 1920’s. Since then so many things have changed not only within America but also on an international scale. With that being said, there is a certain appeal to the 1920’s as this decade is studied and admired even to this day 100 years later. Many refer to the 1920’s as the “Roaring 20s” as this era within American and global history saw massive influence and changes. This decade saw the rise of jazz within American culture. Others often think of the clothing trends of the 1920s such as the “flapper” style. Technology grew within America as well as radios, cars, and telephones became popularized within this era.

As a historian, the political, historical, and economic aspects of the 1920s intrigue me the most. The 1920’s hosted the elections and presidential runs of President Coolidge and President Hoover. The 1920s saw major economic surge as mass consumerism helped create growth within the American economy. Major policies were implemented within America such as the Exclusion act of 1924. This act prevented immigrants from entering the country and this policy would remain until the 1960s. Another major policy implemented within America was the Prohibition Act of which lasted for the entirety of the 1920’s. This policy saw a huge upsurge in protest with many even creating their own liquor. Although many view this decade as an era of cultural growth, this time period made a major impact within American politics and history.

Upon searching “the 1920s” this image is one of the first images to pop up. What I enjoy about this image is that it highlights how influential culture and politics were within the 1920s. This image shows several images and newspaper articles dating back from the 1920s. The top left image states in bold letters “WOMEN WIN VOTE”. The 1920s was a decade which allowed for women’s suffrage for the first time within American history. As previously mentioned, jazz played a major role in influencing American culture during the 1920s. And finally this image also depicts several significant figures during this era such as Babe Ruth from the Boston Red Sox, a legend within the sport of baseball. This newspaper highlights the various titans who all went to perform legendary acts within their own respective fields and careers.

Another image depicting a protest against the Prohibition policies of the 1920s. As you can see, the Prohibition act of the 1920s was not well received by citizens within America. The term “bootleggers” describe someone who created their own liquor during the Prohibition era. Bootlegging was a major lucrative business amongst criminals during the 20s.

The 1920’s have many names. Some refer to this era as the “Roaring 20s”, others call it the “Jazz Age”. Regardless of what name it has, the 1920’s was a decade which saw massive waves of cultural, economic, and political growth. The 1920’s was a decade of change and development for the world.


Thomas, Heather. “American Fads and Crazes: 1920s: Headlines & Heroes.” The Library of Congress, 24 Jan. 2023, blogs.loc.gov/headlinesandheroes/2023/01/american-fads-and-crazes-1920s/.

“How Prohibition Shaped the Twenties.” Smithsonian Associates, smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/how-prohibition-shaped-twenties. Accessed 30 Jan. 2024.

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